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"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding."
- Leonardo Da Vinci -

Eleonora Micozzi


Me, my philosophy, my studies

"To Love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" - Oscar Wilde


Early in my life I've started to understand that our body is not only a sacred place in which we are going to dwell for the rest of our life, but that we are, indeed, our body. The misconception about our physical structures and the idea that we just use our inner organs, muscles and joints have mislead people's thinking about their body and, therefore, themselves.

Keep believing that we are an agglomeration of different pieces that sometimes work well together and some other time don't, makes us to look to ourself as separated from the body, from us. As a consequence, trying to "fix" small bodily parts could seem the normal procedure, but the more we are focusing on tiny portions without taking into consideration the whole picture, the more we are going far away from the solution.

For these reasons, I began to be more and more interested in holistic therapies that consider the patient as a unity and the symptoms as manifestations of inner unbalance. The study of Shiatsu first and Osteopathy after confirmed my point of view about health and the possibility to regenerate the lost wellness taking care of the whole body and, thus, of the entire person. During my years of work as an Osteopath and health professional, I was witness of my patients’ profound transformation which is the aim every therapy should has, to cure the person and not just the symptoms.

I’m strongly convinced that the healing process is a wonderful journey in which I help patients reaching their very centre, the nucleus of their true self, where every tensions are finally released and the health can thrive again.

  • KGH Hypnobirthing

The KGH Hypnobirthing Course was a theoretical and practical course. 

It covered all the fundamental information for a complete antenatal course and the Hypnobirthing method and materials. 

The corse is credited by the RCM 

  • Infant Massage

  • Yoga for Babies and Toddlers

  • Taping Course

The Taping Course was a theoretical and practical course. The teaching part regarded the understanding of different types of tapes, how, when and why use them, whereas the practical part consisted in different modalities of application of the tape according to the anatomy, physiology and physio-pathology of the subject. Extremely Useful method in order to effectively help patients during the healing process.

  • “Sense-motor rehabilitation according to Delacato methodology of neurological organisation” Master Course

2 years Master Course.

The Delacato methodology of neurological organisation is a valid educational and rehabilitation approach that has as a goal to take care of children with developmental retardation, behavioural and learning disorders, in particular those affected by autism and autism spectrum disorders. It is a highly specialising Master course that aims to give to the students the fundamental tools to evaluate and to perform a proper diagnosis of disorders linked to both biological and evolutive correlations between the body, the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system.

  • "Present Motion and Stillness" Master Course

3 years Master Course.

Both theoretical and practical course about A.T. Still’s, W.G. Sutherland's and R. Becker's concepts and techniques related to the “Still Point” and “Present Motion”.

This osteopathic approach is particularly delicate and extremely powerful. It can be used for a wide range of dysfunctions and it is suitable for anyone, from the new-borns to the elders. Its main function is to release even the deepest and most challenging tensions and to restore a long-lasting balance.

  • "Biodynamic Embryology" Postgraduate course

The postgraduate course was vital to deepen my knowledge about Embryology, I expanded a more profound understanding of the human body’s development dynamics and the origin of its unity. Moreover, it helped me to combine the patient’s clinical history with the symptoms reported and the result from the assessment in order to perform a more efficient working diagnosis and osteopathic treatment.

  • D.O. Diploma of Osteopathy. Graduated with Highest Honours - A.I.O.T. - Pescara (Italy)

5 years training course.

I've studied medical and osteopathic subjects and I've learnt different kinds of osteopathic techniques (structural, functional, fascial, visceral, BLT, BMT, cranio-sacral, strain counterstain, HVLA). 

From the third year I've also done the clinical training at A.I.O.T. clinical centre and at national health service centres (Neonatology and Neonatal Pathology warns Civile Santo Spirito Hospital).

  • Reiki - Level 1 and 2

“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing.

Any living being possess this energy which is one of the manifestation of life. When it flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being. On the contrary, its disequilibrium could lead to some emotional and physical dysfunctions. For this reason, Reiki treatments can help the body emotionally or spiritually. It can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatment and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery.

  • "Ayurvedic Crystal Therapy" Certificate

Holistic approach based on the concepts of Ayurvedic Medicine (with particular attention at the study of the Doshas and Chakras) and the healing proprieties of a wide range of crystals. The course focused on preparing, cleansing and energising crystals and how to choose the right ones for a treatment. Moreover, it was taught how to lay the crystals on the body and the different kinds of treatments possibile according to the condition present and the patient needs.

The study of theoretical and practical principles of Shiatsu with particular attention to the traditional Chinese Medicine elements and the concepts of Taoism. The course underlined the vital balance between Yin and Yang, what happens when there is a lack of it and how to restore it properly through Shaitsu. The Acupuncture Meridians are the fundamental pathways used both during the diagnosis and the treatment which can be carry on in different positions of the person receiving the massage.

  • Shiatsu - Level 1

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