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"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others."
- Dalai Lama -

About Taping

Perhaps watching sports you have noticed colourful tapes across athletes' shoulders, calves, knees, ankles and many other bodily parts.

The application of special types of tape can be extremely useful in certain situations such as to give support to injured structures, to restrain the range of a joint movement and to reduce inflammation while speeding up the healing process. For these reasons, it works perfectly well as a complement of the Osteopathic Treatment. 

Even though almost anyone can benefit from the tape application, it is especially vital for athletes that want to improve their performance while protecting a specific body area, for patients recovering from surgery, for people who are doing rehabilitation or that are experiencing acute pain, and for the ones who want to correct wrong posture. However, there are certain circumstances in which tape cannot be used (such as active cancer, open wounds, deep vein thrombosis, lymph node removal, diabetes and fragile skin).

There are three types of tape: rigid, elastic and kinesiology. Any type has specific use: restrain movements, inhibit muscle action, improve stability, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, facilitate lymphatic drainage and ameliorate oedema, re-educate muscles, improve postures and many others.

The tape used is totally hypoallergenic and waterproof, it can be easily hidden under the clothes and worn during sport and while taking shower. However, it is unadvisable to take long bath or swim for long time with it. 


Complete Treatment

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The first application of specific tape can be done only after an osteopathic treatment, which is essential to release tension and restore balance within joints and muscles. 

During the taping treatment I will choose the most suitable tape for your condition. Its application is carefully done on bare and shaved skin and its effect can be felt immediately. It can be wear for a period of two to four days in order to obtain deeper results. I will also advice you on how to safely remove the tape.

After a week from the application, we can arrange another taping complete treatment if needed in order to improving or stabilising your condition.  


Time: Up to 15 minutes

Price: £15

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